Listen 80 "
Listen 8080 "
Before installing the Wamp Server , make sure that no other web servers & databases are installed in your system... for eg : sql server, oracle etc. If you have Skype close it's services because it causes conflicts with the Apache Server in the port 80.
A common error that can display after Wamp Server has been installed ,
"could not execute menu item (internal error) [exception] could not perform service action:"
There are two ways to fix this problem :
1> go to httpd.conf in the apache menu and find
" #Listen
Replace the above statement with
" #Listen
You can also try other ports if your port 8080 is occupied by some other applications.
It should work fine now.....
2> Please make sure none of following services is running on your system. IIS, Skype, Zone Alarm, Google Accelerator, any other database server, any other webservers.
If you are using any of the above application close it and select “restart all services” from WAMP menu.