Are Practice Tests For Microsoft Certification Exams Exactly Like The Real Exams?

You want the practice tests that you take to prepare for Microsoft Certification Exams to be as close as possible to the real thing, so how close are they? Are they exactly like the Microsoft Certification Exams that you will take to get your certifications? You should know the answer before you take your first one.

What If They Come Highly Recommended?

Even if practice tests come highly recommended, they are not going to be exactly like the real exam. This does not mean that they have no value but that they should not be used as the sole indicator that you are ready for the exam. Practice tests can and should be used as a part of your preparation, but they will never be exactly like the real thing.

What If They Come From Microsoft?

Of course practice exams that come from Microsoft have to be exactly like the real thing, right? This is wrong. While these practice tests are probably better than others that you will find, they still won't be exactly like the actual exam. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that any practice test will be a perfect match to the real exam. No practice test can be.

What Does All This Say About Practice Tests?

This only says that practice tests aren't enough to help you prepare on their own. You need to know all the material that will be covered on the Microsoft Certification Exam that you are going to take whether that material is covered on practice tests or not.
