10 SEO Tips on Google Webmasters Tools

Google Webmasters Tools is a free web service tool for webmasters. For every blog, to get noticed by the Big G, a blogger has to use the Google Webmasters Tools.
 It provides the following services : 
  • Submit a website and its sitemap
  • Crawl pages of a website
  • Shows which sites provides backlinks to your site
  • Shows no. impressions of your site in the search engine
  • Change crawler speed of Google
  • Search queries from Google search engine
  • Internal Links in your site
  • Remove a certain url of your site from search engine
  • Shows content keywords of your site
  • Provides HTML improvements to speed up page loading of your site
  • Provides crawl stats,crawl errors and site performance
  • Displays the robots.txt file (not editable from Google Webmasters Tools)
Here are a few tips on how to use all this tools effectively provided by the Google Webmasters Tools.
1.  Submit a site to the Webmasters Tools and verify it. To verify the ownership, you have to copy the meta content line and paste it in the head section of your blog. To add the meta content simply go to "Edit HTML" in the blogger account and search for <head> and paste the meta content line just below it and save the template and click verify in the Webmasters Tools.

2.   After submitting your site, submit a sitemap to let Google know of the pages in your site. Click here for full details on how to submit a sitemap to Google Webmasters Tools.

3.  Edit the robots.txt file of your site. The deafult robots.txt file restricts crawling your labels and archives. If you want Google to crawl everything on your site, then you have to edit the robots.txt file. Click here for full details.

4. If you are experiencing traffic problems such as low traffic then you can increase the crawl rate which only works for custom domain. If you have a blogspot address then google assigns special crawl settings and you cannot change that.

Never change the crawl rate too often. If you change the crawl rate once, atleast give it a month to see how it effects your search engine traffic.

5. If you want your site to have a geographic target, you can also do so from here. Just go to Configuration --> Settings --> Geographic Target --> Target users in (select country) -->  Save

6. If you want to remove a certain URL of your site , you can do so. Go to Optimization --> Remove URLs --> Create a new removal request --> Enter the URL --> Continue

7. Google Webmasters Tools also provides services on speeding up your page load by providing a firefox plugin. Go to Labs --> Site Performance --> Install pagespeed.

Follow the instructions and make suitable changes to your templates and your page loading speed will increase.

8. Check for malware in your site. To do so, go to Health --> Malware. If your site conatins malware if will show you a warning sign and if not it will show a message like this.

 9. To check for traffic related queries go to Traffic and you will see three options namely Search Queries, Links your site and Internal Links.

The Search Queries page shows your page impressions on the site engine and the average position of your posts in the Google Search Page for each query.

The Links to your Site page shows the sites which provides backlinks to your site.

The Internal Links page shows how your internal links are connected with each other.

10. My most favourite thing about the Google Webmasters Tools is its ability to identify keywords from the site. It shows the significance of each keywords and its number of occurences in the site. To know your content keywords, go to Optimization --> Content  Keywords.

Clicking on each keyword will give you its significance, no. of occurences and the top urls it is associated with it which is really helpful.

Implement and study these steps successfully and your traffic from google will increase in a matter of weeks.
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