SEO Title Optimization in Blogger

SEO Titles are the title that will appear in the search engines and it is very important for receiving organic traffic. The SEO titles should also contain the keywords of your blog to get more traffic.

In Wordpress, it is fairly easy to to do this. But in blogger, it is a little bit complicated. Because I don't use an image in my blogger header (only text) so, I was trying to find another way of optimizing my SEO title.

<---  Only text, no image

Here's how you can do it.

>> First go to your blogger account.

>> Go to Template --> Edit HTML.

>> Find this piece of code (this is normally the default setting in most of the custom template)

<title><data:blog.pageName/> ~ <data:blog.pageTitle/></title>

<data:blog.pageTitle/> is the title of your blog.
<data:blog.pageName/> is the title of your post page.

Notice that there isn't any keyword in none of these settings. In this setting your search results would look like this (an example from my search result below).

And your home page like this (below).

Now how to add those keywords ?

It's pretty simple and here's how I did it. Just check the difference between the codes. What I have done is added some keywords using a separator.

<title><data:blog.pageTitle/> | Blogging Tips, SEO, Social Media, Internet Marketing, HTML and CSS, Programming Tips</title> 
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | Blogging Tips, SEO, Social Media, Internet Marketing, HTML and CSS, Programming Tips | Blog Tips Codes</title>

After you have done this changes with your own keywords save the template and check with Google Rich Snippets Tools whether it appears or not. 

Here's my changes in the images below.

Home Page :
Post pages :

Now that you have added the keywords just sit back and let Google crawl your site and you will start to see the changes in the search results in a few days.

If you have a problem with this, don't hesitate to contact me or you can leave a comment.
